I love my digital camera! I love the instant gratification of it. I can view photos immediately. I can download them to my computer in a minute or two. I can order and pick up printed photos within an hour! Gone are the days of scrapbooking EVERY photo because it's printed and I don't want to just throw it away. I now only print what I want. I DON'T scrapbook EVERY photo anymore. I'm enjoying my photos and scrapbooking more than ever. Here are the first photos I took digitally - Christmas 2004. Colton was 8, Asher was 6 and Kyler was 7 months.
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Sunday, April 27, 2008
We visited the Phoenix Zoo last week with Kyler's preschool class. It was pretty warm so I was happy to hear Kyler when he said he was done. I said good, I'm getting warm. He looked at me as if I was crazy and said, I'm not...I'm HOT!!! As we were leaving, I wanted him to sit by all the pretty flowers before they burn up in the sun. Can't you just sense his enthusiasm? His last field trip is next week at Bounce U. I can't believe the school year is almost over! Kyler has been accepted for another year of preschool, Yea!!!!! Then full day Kindergarten in 2009!!!
Thursday, April 24, 2008
I remember Underroos. I had Wonder Woman Underroos. I spent many evenings in them, spinning around to make my quick change, flying in my invisible jet, and getting the bad guys! When I saw the Hulk Underroos I had to buy them for Kyler (Colton and Asher are too big - DARN!!!) Kyler loves to wear them - at night. This morning I asked Kyler to get some clothes for school. (he's just learning how to dress himself) He said he wanted to wear his Hulk shirt to school - OK, but go get some shorts. After a quick trip to his room, he said he was going to wear his Hulk shorts too - (Background info: He doesn't know that Underroos are underwear, we just told him they were pajamas - he wears underwear under the Underroos) I tried to explain to him that he needed to get some other shorts. NO!!! Stubborn boy decided he would wear the Hulk "outfit". What was a mother to do? What would Nicole do? That's right! I let him go to school in his Underroos! Here's the conversation I had with Tony after Kyler was on the bus:
"Hey, I just sent our kid to school in Underroos."
"Under his clothes?"
"No, I sent him in Underroos."
"Under his clothes, right?"
"No, just Underroos. That's what he wanted to wear."
"Well ................ that would make a good blog today."
It did!
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
My Boys BFFs
Ok, maybe boys don't say "my BFF", but it's cute! Top photo, Alex O'Dell - Asher's BFF since Kindergarten. They have even been in the same class EVERY YEAR! Middle photo, Andrew Robinson - Kyler's BFF since.....well, birth! Andrew and his mom (Renee, one of my BFF's)decorated our home with blue balloons and a sign the day Kyler was born. They get along so great! Bottom photo, David Pettingill - Colton's BFF since 4th grade. He moved to California last November, but this photo was taken in March at our home. Colton's big 12th birthday suprise was flying David out for a weekend together. Colton was truly surprised and everyone (Asher included) had a great time! David's gift to Colton was a plane ticket to California this summer!
I love all of the great kids that my kids spend time with. They all come from great families and make our lives so much more enjoyable! Here's to all the BFF's from my school days - Kathy Falls, Tanesha Evans, Becky (Crockett) Taylor and Angela (Evans) Kashow!!!
I had a very busy day last week and planned it carefully so I could meet all my obligations. The day started great. I took Colton and Asher to school by 7:30 am so I could be ready to babysit a friends daughters at 7:45 and then get Kyler on his bus. Well around 7:50 I receive a call from the school - Colton explains that he needs new pants, he slipped in some mud. I couldn't figure out how this happened and asked if he was ok - he was. I told him about my morning and said it could take 30 minutes before I could get to him. He understood. I went to get some shorts and wonder where my friend was with her kids. Then the school called again. Colton AGAIN! "Mom, could you please bring Asher some new pants too. And he's going on a field trip this morning, they're leaving soon."
"We were playing soccer in the muddy field and slipped."
Here's where the title comes in..........REALLY!?! The twelve year old couldn't figure out that playing in the mud might leave you, oh I don't know, what's the word...........MUDDY!!! Fortunately, my friend was also having a chaotic morning and wouldn't be over soon. I raced to the school with the new pants and wondered how many kids shared in the muddy mess with my boys. ZERO! My two were the only ones! You should have seen the angry look on the janitor's face as she was finishing vacuum the mud off the rug in the front office. That look was nothing compared to the daggers that shot from her eyes when she realized that I had not brought clean shoes for them as well. (they only own one pair) The fact that my boys share the school with 780 other students and that they have equal access to the muddy field will be irrelevant to Maria (our janitor) when she inevitably finds mud throughout the school. You know she will mutter under her breath "Stock boys!"
Friday, April 18, 2008
Our current Sunbeam, Kyler. What can we say about this child?! He is pure joy. Everyone is in love with him, including his preschool teachers, Mrs. Barclay and Mrs. Gill. Recently the preschool class went bowling. After getting their bowling shoes on, the kids decided to let us know how they felt about the experience (see video). I love this age - their innocence, excitement, happiness and yes, even the tantrums!
From Sunbeam to Deacon
It seems like it took forever for Colton to be a Sunbeam (felt even longer to get to nursery!) Now, he's a deacon! This Easter, our St. Patrick's Day baby was ordained a deacon and passed the sacrament for the first time. He didn't even seem too nervous! We are so proud of him and his choices. He has loved the transition to Young Men's - on Sunday and the Wednesday activities. Tony was very proud to take him to the Priesthood session of conference. (Tony was so cute and was the one to suggest a photo before they left) A couple of days ago we received Colton's acceptance letter in the mail for a jr. high/high school we wanted him to go to. We are very happy and proud of Colton (and mom's sooooooo relieved that the school search is done - for now) 7th grade, here we come!
Asher, Front and Center
Asher - middle child - doesn't always feel he gets his dues. Well, lately he's been front and center! He has been working hard (AND LOVING IT!) in Tae Kwon Do. He recently tested for his white belt and broke a board! He said that he was sure Colton would stop and think before he tried to tease him again! (if it only took breaking a board to keep Colton in check - I would stock up on lumber at the Home Depot) A few weeks later he raced his pinewood derby car and WON FIRST PLACE!!! (a victory shared with Uncle Glen!) This is a first in the Stock household. GO, ASHER!!!
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
ALLXYS - What does this even mean?!? The other day I was behind a car and the license plate was 2XY2XX. I asked Colton to look and tell me what it meant - he didn't know (or care). I said 2 boys, 2 girls - and immediately wanted a vanity plate that read ALLXYS (all boys) - but on second thought, THAT COSTS MONEY! Maybe it could just be the name of my blog (yes, Juliet and Jennifer - I've created a blog now!) I think it's only appropriate, as I start my ALLXYS blog to have my first picture be of my only girl - Mita! She needed a new dress for Andrew's wedding in May, so shopping we went. It was the first dress at the first store!!! Easy for everyone...and she looks so cute! (I know that an adorable headband with a hot pink rose is NOT appropriate, tempting, but NOT appropriate!) Now it's time for me to get back to the harsh reality of the BOY life I lead, Asher to Tae Kwon Do, Colton to Young Mens, Tony and I to 11 year old scouts (I help Tony). Kyler's a free agent and does what he pleases, when he pleases. Currently, he is furthering Mita knowledge of all things SPONGEBOB!