Can you believe how much this boy has grown! Remember, giant baby did not start out that way. He was only 8lb 7oz at birth. It took him over a month to gain his giant baby status! Now he's 4 (but looks like he's in first grade) and goes to school everyday, is VERY SKILLED in video games, avoids working at all costs, and would prefer to spend his time with friends than his mom! He's JUST LIKE HIS BROTHERS. I'm glad that Kyler is growing and developing wonderfully, but the fact that I will never be called "mommy" again is hard to take. Kyler stopped calling me that the second he realized his brothers only said "mom". True, this is not new to me, but the hope that he would want to say mommy instead of mom was stronger at age 3. Now he's me Kyler, you're my only hope!
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Can you believe how much this boy has grown! Remember, giant baby did not start out that way. He was only 8lb 7oz at birth. It took him over a month to gain his giant baby status! Now he's 4 (but looks like he's in first grade) and goes to school everyday, is VERY SKILLED in video games, avoids working at all costs, and would prefer to spend his time with friends than his mom! He's JUST LIKE HIS BROTHERS. I'm glad that Kyler is growing and developing wonderfully, but the fact that I will never be called "mommy" again is hard to take. Kyler stopped calling me that the second he realized his brothers only said "mom". True, this is not new to me, but the hope that he would want to say mommy instead of mom was stronger at age 3. Now he's me Kyler, you're my only hope!
Monday, May 19, 2008
Asher tested on Friday and earned his yellow belt! We are so proud of him! He really loves Tae Kwon Do and even sacrificed the fathers and sons outing to test. Here's a photo of him in is yellow belt with his instructor and a video (sorry it's on its side) of him breaking his board. Now, on to the orange belt!
Friday, May 16, 2008
Aunt Mimi brought Candice and GUNNAR out for his debut with all of us. Everyone thoroughly enjoyed this 5 month adjusted age (7 month real age) baby! Well, almost everyone. Kyler informed us that he doesn't like babies - "those guys just freak me out! They just look at me and it freaks me out!" What a pleasant 3 year old I have (I can only say 3 year old until Monday!) Mita said Gunnar was the BEST BABY!!! "I didn't hear him cry once!!!" The only thing that wasn't wonderful about the visit was how short it was! We miss you GUNNAR....oh, and Candice and Aunt Mimi, too.
Thursday, May 8, 2008
These pictures were taken as we got home from our camp trip. Kyler was so happy to pose and show me his best "Pig Pen". As I looked at the transformation of the filthy Kyler to the beautifully clean Kyler I realized something....THIS IS THE NORM!!! He gets this filthy if he's at school, the backyard, a friend's house or CAMPING! In a sad and sick sort of way, this is one of the things I love about my little boys. Their daily transformation - from smelling like a stinky boy to looking brand new after their bath/shower. (it doesn't hurt that bedtime is after bathtime.....cleanliness and quiet paired together.....BONUS!!!!!)
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Two years ago we tried to camp with our friends at Christopher Creek. This was our first attempt at a family campout. Sure, Tony takes the boys to Fathers and Sons every year (once they turn three) - but this was going to be the whole family - 3 days, 2 nights. It was June, mid to high 90's, almost no water and campfire restrictions. The one night we were allowed a campfire (after 7pm), Kyler fell into the firepit and burned his wrist! Kyler refused to nap during the day and didn't sleep that first night. He sat up in the tent saying 2 of the 3 words he knew - HI! MOM! MOM! HI! - over and over again!!!!!!! IT WAS A NIGHTMARE!!! So last Thursday, as our Utah trip unravelled, who would guess that I would decide to join my friends up at Christopher Creek. They were going from Thursday to Sunday, but I opted for a Friday/Saturday return to camping. Tony and Mita stayed behind and I packed up the van for my three sons. After a quick trip to Walmart, we hit the road by 9:00 am. It's an understatement to say that my friends were SHOCKED to see me pull up to the campsite. Colton and I had some help from friends in setting up our tent and then all was calm. I could sit and play games with friends, the kids played and didn't bother me and I brought up food I didn't have to cook. Everyone had a great time - my friend, Deanna even made a chocolate cake for me and they sang happy birthday to me Friday night! The top photo was a rare one, Asher and Logan would be gone for hours at a time. They only came into camp for food! Kyler, Kevin and Bryce are in the next photo. Kyler and Kevin played Spiderman, PowerRangers, etc non-stop Friday and Saturday. They were really good and never left camp on their own! Colton had a good time as well. He didn't have someone to pair up with, but he was really nice to a lot of the younger kids there - I think he enjoyed being alone in the creek the BEST! It ended up being a perfect way to spend my birthday!
Monday, May 5, 2008
OK, once in awhile this almost 4-year-old, video game playing little boy slows down. This afternoon he came to me like this and said, "Mom, I want you to "rock a bye" me" How could I resist? It's not very often that he lets me hold or cuddle him. Today I held my "little" 50-pound boy and "rock a bye'd" him. (Next post will be about my camping weekend with the boys.....just me and the boys.........REAL camping - with a tent and everything - or nothing - however you see it!)