Friday, April 3, 2009
Yes, I've been to Costco....but that's not what I was talking about. I got sick during Spring Break - NO FUN!!! I ended up having bronchitis and was so sick for the first 4 days I couldn't get out of bed to go to the doctor's. Finally I got to urgent care and started some medication. I felt much better the next week, but was so tired! I couldn't believe how tired I was. I didn't have any energy for anything....including blogging. Well, this week I'm doing great, just busy putting my home back in order after the last two weeks. That brings me back to Costco...the 2nd picture are my old tumblers that we've had for probably 6 or 7 years. They have held up pretty well, but it's time for them to go. So I went to Costco and bought some new tumblers (the 1st picture) I LOVE THEM!!! I think they are so pretty and I'm sure the boys appreciate that we don't have any more pink and purple cups. Make sure you scroll down....there are three more posts I put up today.
Remember this sweet little boy. Remember when he couldn't talk. THOSE DAYS ARE OVER! Sunday we were watching AFV (America's Funniest Videos) and they had a little boy opening a gift Christmas morning and looking at the box as he says "What the H*** is it!" Colton and Asher were cracking up and Kyler was saying "What the H*** is it!" and laughing. Asher looks at Colton and said "Kyler just said - what the "BEEP" is it!" to which Kyler replies "I didn't say "BEEP" I said "H***"! I was laughing so hard I couldn't breathe!!! This same boy on Tuesday was helping me put the dishes away when he almost sneezed. He looked at me and said "Mom, I almost 'blessed you'!" can he go back to being so cute!!!
One of Colton's favorite authors is Brandon Mull who's written the Fablehaven series. This is the second time Colton has been to his book signings. He was so happy to see him again and get new books signed. I just love that Colton loves books and enjoys getting in line to see an author. Now Colton's off to finish reading Fablehaven: Secrets of the Dragon Sanctuary.
This is what we woke up to on St. Patrick's Day. A group of young women came to wish Colton a Happy Birthday by toilet papering our home. All I can say is BRAVO!!! They left a HAPPY BIRTHDAY poster (that they all signed) and a six-pack of Dr. Pepper (his favorite) at the front door. I think it was a great start to his 13th birthday. Of course, Colton gave us BIRTHDAY LIST 2009 to help with the shopping process. He listed the three things he wanted - 1. The Flip Video Ultra in Black and an underwater case - 2. Fablehaven Package (he made this up: reserve the new Fablehaven book and take him to Brandon Mull's book signing the next week) - 3. Gift Cards (he was so kind as to let us know what stores he would want these gift cards from). The best part of the BIRTHDAY LIST 2009 was the comment at the bottom of the page. I quote: "Thanks, guys. I'm really counting on you to make this the best possible birthday ever!"
Well, HE'S SPOILED!!! (I know, no newsflash here) He didn't get everything, but he did get the Black Flip Video Ultra and his Fablehaven Package from us. Kyler got him the movie Rocketman (you must own this if you have's worth it to hear them laugh!) and Asher gave him a Chuck Norris poster filled with Chuck Norris facts. EXAMPLE: Chuck Norris only skydived once because the world only needs one Grand Canyon. (yes, all my boys are obessed with Chuck Norris at the moment)