I don't have an explanation for 2 events yesterday. I didn't feel confused or tired or dizzy or anything out of the ordinary. Apparently my brain was on vacation! First, after dropping Colton and Asher off at the public pool, I decided I would cut Kyler's hair. I had plenty of time and thought that I would improve the whole haircut/bath routine. Wouldn't it be great if I ran Kyler's bath water first, then go out and cut his hair and then let him run into my bathroom to jump in the tub - that's all ready for him! Great plan, one hitch. YOU CAN'T GET DISTRACTED! I sent Kyler to run his bath and then found myself on the phone with my brother. I told him early in the conversation that I had to cut Kyler's hair, but we kept finding things we needed to update each other on. So...........time passed, Kyler played in the family room and I was STILL on the phone. When I got off, I told Kyler we had to leave in a couple of minutes to pick up his brothers, go shopping and then get some dinner. Fortunately, we just bought some new phones and all the boys love to intercom the different handsets - next thing I know Kyler is in his room calling me in the breakfast nook. We talk for a minute and then he says "ha ha, you didn't give me a haircut!" What happened in my brain can only be described as the moment in FINDING NEMO when Dory is with Nemo and suddenly all the pieces come together and she realizes that she's been looking for him. I immediately screamed "THE TUB" and ran down the hall. Kyler was ahead of me, just as panicked and then we saw the tub.....WE WERE SAVED!!! The water was inching its way up to the top of the tub, but not quite the top - can you imagine if I didn't remember. I could just see coming home from shopping and dinner to find a flooded bathroom! Next, we had to pick up the boys. After dropping off a friend we headed to WalMart for the yearly flip-flop purchase. I parked the car and then decided I shouldn't trust my brain and I needed a small list. I wanted mini marshmallows to try out a S'mores Nacho recipe, some sour cream, some double stick tape to finish a project, oh and those flip-flops - can't forget those flip-flops! We locked the car and got into the store. I wanted to look at my list one more time, to decide where we should head first. That's when I saw it....the item I wrote between the flip-flops and the double stick tape..............DINOSAUR!!! What?!? Ok, when Colton was Kyler's age, this would totally be on the list, but where did it come from that day? Given my lack of brain power, I'm glad I chose not to cook that night! We ended the day with NO FLOODS, NO EXTRA UN-NEEDED DINOSAURS & NO HOUSE FIRES! At the Stock Household, we call that a perfect day!