March 18, 1996 I walked back into my own home after my short hospital stay with a new baby in my arms. Tony and my dad unloaded the car of my bags, diaper bag, all the hospital stuff, and my flowers. I was so happy to be a mom and everything seemed perfect. Then the baby woke up. Real life had begun and we were busy! I'll never forget the shock I felt when I was walking through my family room and noticed that the beautiful flowers we had brought home from the hospital were dead! Not recently dead....but DEAD they would fit into the Adamm's Family home! I wondered where the time went. Hadn't I just brought my one day old boy home?! How did they have time to die?!? It was eye opening how fast time goes by.

Well, that's how I'm feeling again. Mita's been gone for more than two weeks now. The funeral is done. The flowers have died. And life goes on. Thankfully, I'm surrounded by wonderful friends who have loved our family all along the way. Our beehives (girls 12-13 from our church) came and heart attacked our home! They left some yummy popcorn and lots of notes sharing their love for our family!
Isn't LOVE the BEST!!!!!
Here's more LOVE!
This was taken at Catherine's wedding in August 2009.
So....where are my sisters and brother now? Audra just got engaged!!!!!!! She will become Mrs. Audra Yeager in April! Austin is serving in the Roseville, CA Mission (spanish-speaking)! Catherine is expecting her first baby in just a couple of weeks!!!! I can't wait to meet my niece - Miss Jade Audra Scrimshaw!

Shortly after Jade makes her debut, Catherine will have her own lesson in how fast time flies. Her hospital flowers will die. Jade will outgrow her first onesies and Catherine will be busy! For me, time is racing by! My first baby is now in high school. He's actually spending the day at ASU on a field trip. Asher is in 6th grade and it's scary to think he'll be in Jr. High next year! Kyler is already in 1st grade and last night asked if I would leave his room so he could have some "Me Time". I think Ferris Bueller said it best: "Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it."