Thursday, July 24, 2008


Colton returned home Tuesday!!! I'm so happy to have all my xy's home safe and sound - even happier that school starts Monday! Colton brought these fun hats home for him and his brothers. They are already making plans for Halloween costumes with a couple of them. (Bonus for my pocketbook!) Well, you know how it is getting ready for the school year - I've been to too many stores - clothes, school supplies, backpacks, shoes. I also love to go through ALL of the boys belongings in their room to organize the week before school. Needless to say, I've been running all over the house with everything to do. As I was passing by the boys bathroom, I noticed mud all over the floor. Then I woke up and realized I live in the desert and it's SUMMER! A sick feeling came over me and I thought of what could be on my floor. Poop? Yes, poop. - poop that had been stepped on (which is why I assumed mud at first - and why would I assume poop - Kyler has been potty trained for over a year now!). I called Kyler - "Did you poop on the floor?" "What?" "Did You Poop On The Floor?" "I don't know" "DID YOU POOP ON THE FLOOR!?!" ",... maybe?" I handed him some wipes to start cleaning. Asher after hearing the conversation, walks by and says...."Mom, that's not poop, it's Oreos." (mom note: apparently stepping on Oreos in the bathroom IS acceptable) "Asher, I don't know what Oreos smell like in your world, but here - THIS IS POOP!!!" After the floors were cleaned and sanitized, then Kyler told us a grand story of how this could have happened. He loves to tell a great story - a few facts mixed with the Wonderful World of Kyler. I'm really used to the craziness around here, but nothing could prepare me for what would happen next in my day. I don't know how to prep you to hear this. I don't know if you will believe me, but what happened next is still leaving me speechless. I will just quote Colton exactly "Mom, can I start doing my own laundry." I KNOW - SHOCKING!!!!!!!! His friend, David does his own laundry and Colton would like to do the same. He even followed his first statement with this "Besides mom, then you won't have as much to do." ...........speechless..............


  1. Wow! Miracles still happen. Did you get him to write it on paper and sign it so when he decides he no longer wants to do it you still have a contract?

  2. WOW! Impressive? I am speechless. ps check my blog.

  3. I love Kyler's response to your question about pooping on the floor. "Maybe." Way to commit, there!

    Hahaha. Do you ever ask yourself, "How is this my life?"

    And, way to go, Colton! Way to go, Mom!

  4. I'm still stuck on the smelly mudd! It's just so much extra work. I think Colton's laundry enthusiasm came as a reward for being such a great Mom. Hope it lasts.
