Sunday, May 31, 2009
Which puppy to choose......all the tan puppies are female and the white one with the pink and black nose is the only male. I, of course, want a female, but the boys want the male. If I get a female, I'll name it Coco and buy her a little bling for her collar. The boys haven't decided on a name for a male. Some of the options are: Elvis, Esteban, Bruno, Darcy (Ok, I thought of this one - for Mr. Darcy - it was slammed as a HORRIBLE name!), Max, Super Max, Max Max, Maxie, and Mr. Barkey Von Schnoodle! I guess we'll find out in a couple of be continued.
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Years and years ago....when my parents were young (I know, I'm so witty) they were friends with the Riggs' family. Fast forward to when I was four and my parents bought a home in the same neighborhood as the Riggs (the next street over). Jean-Jacques and I grew up playing with their kids....mainly Tami and Stevie (sure he's Steve now, but then he was Stevie). Well, as life moves on, kids grow up and move away - or in my case, parents move away! We saw them once in a blue moon until Tami and I became friends on Facebook. We've chatted for a month or two and finally our opportunity to visit was here. Her three kids just finished school yesterday and wanted to eat at Joe's BBQ - just two miles away from us! We planned to meet for dinner and on the way I told my kids what the connection was with this family and that I hoped they would get along with her kids. Afterall, it's become a family tradition!!! Getting along was an understatement! They had bonded so quick that when we left Joe's, Asher quickly ushered Christopher into our van. They thought they could hide him in the way back and apparently they were going to play all night! Then they tried to hide Asher in their car! All of the kids had a great time and I can't wait to get them together again. Maybe next week, when my kids are out of school, we could go out to Phoenix for some Manuel's Mexican Food and another trip down memory lane! Today I'm just happy to report that the third generation of friends have bonded!
Asher has been working on a scrapbook page for Mita to hang in her room. He chose the papers, the design, the embellishments and only needed a photo to finish it and bring it to her. Well, last Sunday we were able to take the perfect photo of these two. I can't wait for him to take it to her this Sunday. What a sweet boy I have!
Monday, May 25, 2009
With several days 100 degrees or hotter, we thought it would be best to stop park day for the summer. Then for the last park day we decided to go to Espee Park and enjoy the splash pad. Aside from all the shaded tables being reserved, it was a great time. Kyler loved the water and playing with ALL the kids there. Is there anyone he couldn't befriend? As I thought about it being the last park day of the season, I realized something. IT'S KYLER'S LAST PARK DAY!!! He will be in all-day Kindergarten soon. We're done with Friday Park Days. We're done with visits to the zoo during the week. We're done with morning playdates. I'm sure after the summer break I'll be ready to send everyone back to school, but I'm going to miss having my little boy with me in the morning. Who will help me unload the dishwasher? Who will take out the recycling? Who will get the newspaper? But then I thought....Who will watch Spongebob all morning? NOT I, said the mother. Who will play video games all morning? NOT I, said the mother. Who will leave their toys ALL over the house? NOT I, said the mother. Who will eat their lunch in peace and quiet? I WILL, said the mother. Who will take time to breathe during the day? I WILL, said the mother. Who will walk through her house to listen to the quiet? I WILL, said the mother. AND SHE DID! (Ok, she will!) Until July 27th, we will look forward to many more visits to Espee Park....summer here we come!
Kyler's last day of preschool. Mrs. Gill (aide) is giving the boys a spiderman placemat. You can see Kyler gestering his excitement - he thought he hit the jackpot! Mrs. Villescaz (teacher) is sitting next to Kyler. He's going to miss these two wonderful teachers.
After the gifts were passed out, they were off to get their backpacks - for the last time. I've been so excited to get him into Kindergarten, that I never really thought how this day would feel. Your baby's last day of preschool is SAD! He's learned so much over the past two years. I can't thank the teachers enough! So here's one more big THANK YOU to Mrs. Villescaz (this year's teacher), Mrs. Gill (aide for two years) and Mrs. Barclay (last year's teacher)!!!
After the gifts were passed out, they were off to get their backpacks - for the last time. I've been so excited to get him into Kindergarten, that I never really thought how this day would feel. Your baby's last day of preschool is SAD! He's learned so much over the past two years. I can't thank the teachers enough! So here's one more big THANK YOU to Mrs. Villescaz (this year's teacher), Mrs. Gill (aide for two years) and Mrs. Barclay (last year's teacher)!!!
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Isn't this puppy cute? OF COURSE SHE IS! We went to visit four puppies on Sunday to see if we would be interested in taking one home next month.
All of the boys LOVED holding them. Colton kept holding them like babies. He would scoop them up and lay them on their back so he could look at their face. This one he cradled against his body....just like he cradled baby Dean last year in the hospital!
Kyler especially loved having the privilege of holding the puppies by himself. He was really good with all of them and took tons of pictures for us. If things go according to plan, we will have one of the tan females in our home next month. (oh good, another helpless creature that won't pick up after themself...lucky mom!)
What's a little boy to do with $10?
Well, he first takes the three toys he wants and inspects them carefully.
The decision weighs heavily on him as he takes one choice out of the mix.
Finally, he shows off his well thought out selection!
The only problem....another card with $ arrived.
We have to go shopping again!
Thanks Grandma and Grandpa (in Minnesota)!
Kyler turns 5!!! It's a very exciting birthday for him since he'll be able to go to school with Asher now. He wanted to have a huge party and I didn't want to.....solution: we did "mini" parties. I sent him to school with little goodie bags and we called that his first birthday party. That night we invited his friend Kevin over to have cake and Jean-Jacques ended up having his kids which made party #2 well attended. Then on Friday he had a play date with his friend Andrew. I sent him with two goodie bags and party #3 was complete! I would like to be done with his mini parties, but we have a pinata in the closet that needs to be torn apart. Maybe party #4 could be our next FHE. Spoiled, spoiled little boy!
Thursday, May 21, 2009
I love preschool field trips that come to the school!
How could you not love these "fruit-striped chickens" as I like to call them!
Kyler did enjoy brushing the animals, just not getting too close.
Except for the rabbits!
He loved getting close to them and brushing them.
I don't know if rabbits like to be brushed, but they didn't run away from him.
This little llama was cute and had big Mr. Snuffleupagus eyes and eyelashes.....Ok, maybe Snuffy has llama eyes and eyelashes, but I'm pretty sure I was introduced to Snuffy first!
This was near the end of the "field trip" and Kyler was feeling more bold to be this close to the sheep's head. Don't you love his outfit! Thank goodness for school uniforms next year.
(Kindergarten starts July 27th - but who's counting!)
We loved how the goat bends his neck back so he can use himself for a pillow!
Mother's Day 2009, the fourteenth I've been blessed to celebrate since Colton's arrival. Tony started things a little early with this beautiful white and purple floral arrangement on Saturday. Then he went out with some friends to the movies that night (left me at home, but I talked with other abandoned moms that night and we decided we would go to the movies the night before Father's Day!) Sunday morning I was awoken by a little boy saying "Mom, did you buy the cereal I wanted." I told him that I would be going back to sleep and next time he could wake me and wish me a Happy Mother's Day, FIRST. I pretended to be asleep and he woke me again and said "BUT MOM, DID YOU REALLY GET MY CEREAL!" That sums up Mother's day this year. I did have cards from my sweet boys. Kyler planted a flower in a pot decorated with ladybugs (his thumbprint) all over it. And don't forget the yummy box of See's candy (Ok, I waited in line for an hour and bought it myself on Saturday) The best part of this Mother's Day is the fact that I have 3 wonderful boys and feel blessed to have them each and every day. (Well that and I don't have any expectations on Mother's Day, birthdays, Christmas, etc. and so whatever they do is great - Plus buying your own See's Candy doesn't hurt!)
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Doesn't he look happy?!? We were busy with little projects around the house this particular Saturday. That night we would be busy as well with our kids and their cousins having a pizza & movie night. Leaving 9 kids alone in the house so we could go on date night was NOT going to happen, so we decided to stop what we were doing and go out to lunch. Since we were going to be back home soon finishing projects, we just got in the car and left. We love Joe's BBQ and haven't been there for awhile, so we travelled the whole two miles to get there and YUM! As we sat down I decided to capture this moment on film.....this is the best of the three shots - he looks really happy in this one (relatively speaking) Then I looked lovingly into my eternal husbands eyes and said "You know, if you don't talk to me, THIS WON'T COUNT AS A DATE!" He quickly shook off his day dreaming dust and attempted conversation. I know what you're saying...."HOW DO WE KEEP THE SPARK ALIVE AFTER 20 YEARS!" Well, I'll tell you.....DATE NIGHT! But that brings me to my our lives (and especially the lives of our kids) gets busier, we may need to start having a DATE DAY. (I don't like this name and will improve upon it later) Maybe lunch on Wednesday (Tony doesn't work that day) or a lunch on Saturday - you know the best part about this? We don't have to fight the crowds of the young whippersnappers in the evening AND lunch is cheaper than dinner!!! HELP!!! I think we just turned into.........OUR PARENTS!!!!!
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
There are so many things I could say about this little how do I chose the words to describe him and what he means to us. I don't know if it's possible to put it all down in words. I will just say I LOVE HIM! His dad LOVES HIM! His older brothers LOVE HIM! He has added so much happiness into our lives. We couldn't stop smiling the day we brought him home from the know what, we're still smiling and/or cracking up! He is so smart and funny and LOUD! Happy Birthday, Kyler.....WE LOVE YOU!!!
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Austin and the boys in their new hats....can you see the "Y" in the background
Austin taking the boys to the cafeteria. We met a few of his friends here.
Austin getting ready to give us a tour of the campus....Kyler LOVES his uncle!
The boys after running down and up LOTS of very steep stairs on campus.
The boys #1 reason to go to Utah.....Xbox 360! They loved visiting Austin's apartment.
All the boys in front of the Conference Center.
The Salt Lake City Temple from our vantage point at the Conference Center.
Austin and his girlfriend, Mashaela. They're so cute. As I was trying to get their picture, Kyler kept walking into the frame. I finally let him pose with them. Kyler told Mashaela, "My dad thinks you're cute. I don't. I think you're AWESOME!"
Saying goodbye to Uncle Austin who will be mission bound this summer.
We wanted to visit my youngest brother before he leaves on a mission this summer. We thought it would be easier to get to Utah than Minnesota and schedules opened up to go on Easter weekend. We drove up on Thursday and didn't come home until Monday. It was such a great trip! Before we left I thought about the times I visited Austin in Minnesota and the fun I had with him. I was so looking forward to spending time with him.....but wait.......I have 3 boys and a husband that apparently got in line first! I did get time to talk to Austin, but the 3 boys demanded and got most of the attention - as it should be! They are just crazy about their Uncle Austin and had tons of fun with him. Friday we ate lunch on campus and then Austin gave us a quick tour. With Colton now a teenager, Austin took him to his biology class on Friday. Colton loved this experience and even thanked me for putting him in the school he's in! Colton lost his video recorder, The Flip on campus. After searching the bookstore and biology class, they went to the Lost in Found and it was there! Austin bragged about how no other college campus would have had it returned....not even BYU-ID! (Austin's words, not mine. Austin, all I can say is "I'M TELLING AUDRA AND CATHERINE!") On Saturday Austin took the boys to see the Provo Temple and then we went to Salt Lake City to visit the Temple and Conference Center. I took lots of photos of the flowers, but everyone was too hungry to do much at Temple Square. We found an Olive Garden and enjoyed a great lunch. After a quick stop at the Distribution Center we headed back to Provo, but not before visiting Mashaela at her work - Paradise Bakery! After getting cookies for everyone we went back to Austin's apartment for more Xbox 360. Easter morning we went to Austin's apartment and I made belgian waffles for everyone (Yes, I brought my belgian waffle maker with us!) Then the whole family (Jean-Jacques got into town Saturday) went to Austin's freshman BYU ward. As I looked around the chapel, I realized that Tony and I were old enough to be everyone's parents! (moans........we're so old!) We had a quiet afternoon and then we joined up with Mashaela and went to have our Easter feast at Outback Steakhouse. It was so good! After some more video games and the passing on of the Xbox from Uncle to Nephews, it was time to say goodbye. I know I'll always remember this great weekend and I'm sure my boys will too! Everyone wants to follow their uncles example and attend BYU. Austin, Thanks for a great Easter Weekend!Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Ok, I was asked to fill in for one of our leaders and drive some of the Young Women on our photo scavenger hunt. I was happy to do this and didn't really think about it until we arrived at the church to start. Then this wave of competitiveness washed over me and I knew that WE HAD TO WIN!!!!! I was on a mission! One of the Laurels, Samantha also had this drive to win....and we made a great team. We started through the list and had 2 items photographed before leaving the church parking lot. I had it in my head to get every item on the list. We were down to the wire with time, BUT WE HAD EVERY ITEM PHOTOGRAPHED! We all met up at one of the leader's homes and watched all the photos on the Wii....(I learned that you could look at your photos on the Wii that night!) It was such a fun activity! (oh, if you were wondering who won.......
WE DID!!!!!
Ok, so I'm really, really, really behind on posting. I will catch up on the past month this week, starting with my nieces and nephews. From left to right: Sofia - 10, Jean-Jacques II - 8, Ruslan - 8, Sariah - 10, Joseph - 7 and Michael - 11 (celebrating Sariah's birthday with a cake their dad made) We do call the kids by their names, but when talking about all of them it's just THE COUSINS. The cousins are going to visit tomorrow night, the cousins invited you for a movie, etc. It's been really fun to have The Cousins over more and to see how everyone gets along so well. I have so many fond memories growing up with my cousins. The best part is that I'm still making fond memories with them!