Sunday, May 31, 2009


Which puppy to choose......all the tan puppies are female and the white one with the pink and black nose is the only male.  I, of course, want a female, but the boys want the male.  If I get a female, I'll name it Coco and buy her a little bling for her collar.  The boys haven't decided on a name for a male.  Some of the options are: Elvis, Esteban, Bruno, Darcy (Ok, I thought of this one -  for Mr. Darcy - it was slammed as a HORRIBLE name!), Max, Super Max, Max Max, Maxie, and Mr. Barkey Von Schnoodle!  I guess we'll find out in a couple of be continued.


  1. I think Darcy is a perfect name! I can't believe you are crazy enough to get a dog. Now my girls will really love coming to your house. By the way, when are you going to come and visit me and the baby. I would love to see you any time.

  2. You have been one busy blogger lady! A puppy, wow you are brave. My sister just got one. Call Deb for some pointers. Her friend told her some really priceless info that cost her friend $400 buck to get. Good luck, they are really cute! I think you need a girl!

  3. Pick the one that sleeps the most. She won't be as much of a spaz, and then when you end up being one to care for her it won't be so bad. ;)

    As for the male vs female thing, just remind Tony that males "mark" everything. Does he really want that in his house? I'm guessing no. As long as you get her fixed, there won't be any other issues either. Good luck, they are all so cute!

  4. I vote for Mr. Darcy as the name if you go with the male.
