Sunday, November 8, 2009


We decided last year that 13 was our cut off age for trick-or-treating. Colton was fine with it - especially since he was able to go to a party! Asher (in his penultimate year of trick-or-treating) was really looking forward to all the fun of running around with his little brother. The Tuesday before Halloween Kyler became ill. Thankfully it was short lived and he was back to school by Thursday. Then Friday night came......Asher was sick! He was not well throughout the weekend and MISSED trick-or-treating!!! (asher is back to normal now and was spoiled with clearance candy deals) The saddest part of this (for me) was the lack of pictures. Colton wore a demon mask to the party, but quickly took it off. Asher didn't dress up. Kyler wore his costume from last year and didn't pose for me.....until we got home that night. I looked over to the table and saw this little power ranger worn out!
Tony asked if we had to undress him for bed. I thought it would be nice to have his tennis shoes and costume off, but as we started to help him - he woke up and started talking a mile a minute! After a little more awake time he happily went back to dreamland.
Maybe next year we'll get some better pictures...with all three of the boys.....IN COSTUMES!


  1. Kyler looks so cute. I'm sorry Asher was sick. It seems to be making its way around your family. Hopefully Thanksgiving will be a better holiday for you.

  2. Great pics of Ky. They are so sweet when they are sleeping.

  3. Those are the best halloween pictures EVER! MIss you tons!
