Monday, May 31, 2010


It doesn't matter if it's his birthday or not.....he always thinks he's king of the world! It's one of the things we love about this kid. Believe it or not, my baby is six!
He woke up on May 19th and was too excited to wait for breakfast in bed (he'd requested that the night before). He just wanted to get on my bed and have presents!!! This is how the King waits for his gifts.
The GameBoy Advance he wanted. Let's just not think about this being his THIRD one!
(don't ask, but I will tell you this is the LAST one!)
After breakfast and gifts, he went to school. I showed up at 1:30 for his treat!
This was looking down at my baby from the great hug he gave me when I arrived. And he gave me this hug BEFORE he saw the treats I brought! Happy, happy for mom!
He wanted Sprinkle donuts from Krispie Kreme or Dunkin Donuts......but I refused to pay over $30 for all the donuts needed! I mean, COME ON, 30 AMERICAN DOLLARS!!!!
Kyler really loves the powdered donuts and I picked them up at the Hostess Outlet Store...SCORE! Ms. Jones lights the "6" candle for all the birthdays. So happy to have a shot of him blowing that out! Then donut eating began!
Which is always followed by
the-wiping-the-powdered-sugar-on-my-shirt phase!

As if that wasn't enough of a birthday, Kyler wanted his party on his actual birthday. Even though his dad couldn't be there that afternoon, the party was on - Star Wars theme. Here are all the Jedis-in-trainingAfter going through some training, they then earned their lightsabers (pool noodles cut in half with black electrical tape wrapped around for a handle - everything purchased at dollar tree)
Andrew and Kyler

Here are all the Jedi's: Kevin, Trevor, Andrew, Bryce, Tyler, Drew, Jacob and Kyler.
More gifts! Here are 500 water balloons! He also received some $, two lightsabers, a variety of action figures, cars, and sidewalk chalk. Awesome Party, Awesome Gifts!
Kyler wanted a store bought cake, but I couldn't justify the cost and amount of cake for 8 kids! Instead I made cupcakes and we lined them up and frosted them like a green lightsaber and a blue lightsaber. I thought the handles needed a little embellishment, but Kyler didn't want me to do anything to it. So, I'm not showing any photos of it, but it was an easy and cute idea.
8 boys + 24 cupcakes = 0 cupcakes!
More wishes!
Happy Birthday, Kyler!
Just when you thought it was over.....another gift. This one from our Primary, a little can filled with candy, Articles of Faith card with picture of Jesus on the back and a punching balloon toy. Cute idea! (I want to be able to fill these tiny cans too!)


  1. I can't believe he is 6. Looks like he had a great birthday!

  2. Happy Birthday Kyler. He is getting so old!

  3. Love the king pics! Happy birthday Kyler! What a fun party. You have an amazing mother!

  4. Junior Jedis! There isn't anything better!

  5. What a fun party! Happy birthday Kyler!
