Monday, November 29, 2010


This year we were blessed to have two Thanksgivings! I wanted to make a turkey for both and my first turkey went so smooth and was delicious! The second turkey....not so smooth. I had been baking and the oven was at the correct temperature when the turkey was put in the oven.....only problem........the oven got turned OFF! (yes, Tony put the turkey in the oven for me.....mmmmm....I wonder how the oven got turned off?!?) I didn't notice this fact until 1 1/2 hours had passed. After a little panic set in....we tried the TURN THE OVEN ON method and everything went well from there. (well....we ate later than we planned.....but we ate!) You would think that I would take pictures of our fantastic dinner....but I didn't. Our menu: turkey, mashed potatoes and gravy, stuffing, sweet potato gratin (a DELICIOUS savory dish.....again, DELICIOUS!), rolls, and sparkling grape juice. After dinner we quickly cleaned up to welcome extended family for dessert. Everyone contributes to dessert and we all talked while the kids run around. Our home was so full of people and noise.....we call that a HUGE SUCCESS. My contribution to the dessert - chocolate truffles from Costco and two chocolate pecan pies. Isn't it beautiful!
I don't know how this photo got on my camera.
Lesson: If you snap it, I will share!
It wouldn't be the holidays without a meal at Blue Adobe Grill.
Jacquelen's stacked enchiladas with red enchilada sauce!
My mom's tenderloin relleno and lobster tamale with green enchilada sauce!
My Cruz Kitchen: tenderloin relleno and smoked pork tamale, Christmas style (red and green enchilada sauce)....YUM!!!!!
Putting puzzles together is not my normal tradition....but I always want it to be! Colton and Asher helped me do this 1000 piece puzzle. It was a used puzzle from I didn't think I'd be too upset if the puzzle had a missing piece. It had 999 pieces! (i was upset) Can you find the missing piece? I still felt an accomplishment from finishing it though....I think the boys did too. (especially since they pulled out the Simpson's 1000 piece puzzle...maybe next weekend) Tony was amazed that we finished it so quick - just Sunday afternoon!
Sunday I decided to bake some rolls again......THEY WERE HUGE!
Half were made into rolls....half into cinnamon rolls. One pan of cinnamon rolls had regular glaze, one pan had maple....both were delicious! (how many times have I used that word?!?)
It was a wonderful weekend with lots of great food, family, friends, movies, games, etc. We ended the best 4 days with half naked boys wrestling in the family room! (I think it was a good transition back to reality)
Kyler loves to beat up his sweet!
Even Colton got into the mix!
Roscoe stayed out of reach, but close by.
I'm so thankful for all the craziness and love in my life!

Monday, November 22, 2010

1st THANKSGIVING OF 2010 read that correctly...our 1st Thanksgiving of 2010. Jean-Jacques and Linda came in to town this weekend to be with his children and I thought it would be fun to have Thanksgiving dinner with them. We set a simple autumn table for the adults. The kids had bright colored cafeteria style trays to use. We had the traditional Thanksgiving menu: Turkey, Mashed Potatoes and Gravy, Stuffing, Green Beans, Cranberry Sauce, Rolls, and a Pumpkin Pie. The only item not so traditional, but totally appropriate was the Pumpkin Spice Cake with Creme Anglaise. (Thank you Jean-Jacques and was delish!!!!) It was all so YUMMY!!! Yummy enough to make it again on Thursday - when we'll all enjoy the 2nd Thanksgiving of 2010!

Monday, November 8, 2010


This is our 7th year at our elementary school. In all those years I have gone to the fall festival. It's our biggest fundraiser of the year and I not only like to support our school, but the kids have a great time! I've even done my turn as a fall festival parent. I've set up booths, taken down booths, sent millions of letters home asking for help, put together our classroom silent auction basket, attended meetings, and worked with lots of parents. But this year....I'm just tired! It was the first year I didn't want to even go to the fall festival. So....I decided to not give myself a hard time and ask Tony if he would take the kids alone. He didn't have a problem taking them or volunteering at the booths I was going to work at.....SCORE! (thanks, tony) This year Colton also decided to stay home....yes, he IS too cool for this school!
When Tony, Asher and Kyler came home we were greeted by this!
Kyler had his face what you might ask?!?
A zombie, of course!
(apparently this zombie plays soccer)
The scariest part about that, not these glasses...
(although I did freak out my mom and Tony with them....heehee)
The scariest part was hearing all about Asher's night.....the hanging out with his friends and GIRLS!!!!!!! He was too cool for the games and decided to spend his tickets on food/drinks and just hang out with his friends. DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH THIS KILLS ME?!?!?? I've accepted (for the most part) that Colton is a teen and growing up.....but NOT my Asher!!! My Asher that used to snuggle with me ALL THE TIME!!!!! The boy that loved being by my side! Well....THE BOY!!!!! He's not a boy anymore and I'm having a very hard time with it!!!!!!!!
(side note: I watched Toy Story 3 for the 1st time last night. I heard from all my friends that they got emotional with this one. I was totally prepared and made it through the movie great. I was even wondering what they were talking about until the very end of the movie. I could feel my emotions running away and then.........well, if you thought Tempe Town Lake bursting down the Salt River was dramatic.....that was nothing compared to my water works!!! I was only consoled by the fact that Colton is just a freshman in high school. On the bright side...I got a great cry in!)

Friday, November 5, 2010


I was so proud of the boys for making their own jack-o-lanterns this year. Tony helped clean them out, but they all made their own designs. Here's Colton's...
Kyler's.....those orange things sticking out are his "ears"
That's what Kyler says.....and if Kyler says must be true!!!
Inspired by my neighbor....I decided to roast the pumpkin seeds of all three pumpkins.
After taking them out of the orange innards, I washed them...
Aren't they looking clean?!
Then I spread them out on a cookie sheet, sprayed them with a little vegalene, sprinkled some herbamare on it, and baked them. They turned out so good.....we couldn't stop eating them! Thankfully I still have some left. I'll be sprinkling them on top of some butternut squash soup in the next couple of weeks. YUM! Now if the weather would get out of the mid-90's I could really get into fall!
Do you roast pumpkin seeds? What fall traditions are your favorite?

Thursday, November 4, 2010


Asher launders money!!!!

This kid is loaded after his birthday!!!

Monday, November 1, 2010


Asher's had a big month! He turned 12, became a deacon, started passing the sacrament, became a Deputy Black Black (2 more tests and he's a 1st Dan Black Belt!!!!!). I missed Asher's first Sunday passing, but Tony assured me he looked calm and in control! I was able to see him yesterday. He does know what he's if I can just keep Kyler quiet during the sacrament, we'd be set!!!
Now, on to the Tae Kwon Do testing! Kyler was our photographer for the evening. (this kept Kyler occupied during the 3 hours.....YES, 3 HOURS!) I just put the camera on the museum setting (no noise or flash) and let him shoot.
This was Asher during his testing. Grand Master Won Ki Hong is at the table.
This is how Kyler took the photo.....this is how it will be posted!
There are maybe more shots of the spectators that night then of those testing!
Here's Kyler and Tony.
It would be lovely to say that this is how the night ended.....NOPE! This was how it must have been that 5-7 min. catnap that gave him all the energy he had for photography that night! He wasn't ready for bed when we arrived home either.....that boy has LOTS of energy!