Monday, September 12, 2011


While Tony and the older boys went camping on Friday, Kyler and I went with Mamita up to Prescott.  It was so nice to get away and enjoy cooler weather!  We got into Prescott around 4:30 and drove straight up to the cabin in Groom Creek.  It was raining.....I LOVE THE RAIN!  The cabin is in the beginning stages of repairs to make it possible to enjoy it again.  (Fingers crossed that it's possible to repair it!)  Here's one thing I don't want repaired....the Chalet Cardon sign!  I just want to add a sign of my own one day.  We have named our home....(think Pride & Prejudice - I wanted to name my home...unfortunately I let the kids have a say...and they named our home)  Our home is now called Steve. (Can't you just hear me now...."Heaven and earth! -- of what are you thinking?  Are the shades of Steve to be thus polluted?")  Don't you think Steve Deux should grace this tree under Chalet Cardon?!?
 Here's a rare photo....Kyler smiling for me!
 This is what Kyler did most of the time.  He played his NintendoDS and chewed on his shirt!
 My favorite view!
Wouldn't a hammock be heavenly?
Good bye Chalet Cardon!
I hope you can be resurrected!


  1. Chalet Cardon is still standing? When you build something sixty years ago out of used parts and bailing wire it's a miracle that it's still around. I think that it defies the laws of physics. BTW Chalet Steve Deux is a sweet name!


  2. I thought it was going to be torn down! How awesome that it might be useable again. Steve. Really, why did you even ask the boys in the first place?
    Juliet of Meadowbrook Farms.
