Wednesday, November 2, 2011


Another Halloween, here and gone and I'm down to my last trick or treater.
(with the most gorgeous blue eyes!)
 He's supposed to be the only trick or treater out of the Stock boys.  Colton and Asher both were at friends houses and went trick or treating!  Oh well!  Here's another shot of my batman.  We had costumes for Kyler to chose from since I told him we wouldn't be buying a new costume this year.  He was excited about mixing costumes together and coming up with his own creation.  He settled on Super Dino Iron Man and was going to wear his Superman costume with his Iron Man mask and his Dinosaur hat.  I loved it and he was proud of his creativity.  Then the Party City ad came to the house.  He NEEDED a new costume.  I said he was welcome to buy his own costume if he wanted.  He did some extra chores for his brothers to earn a little bit more money and off to Party City he went with his dad.  They finally came home with a Batman muscle costume that had been clearanced.  I'm proud of the little boy for earning his money and being a bargain shopper!  He was proud for a few seconds and now loves to tell everyone his sob story about his mean mom that wouldn't buy him a costume!  
Boo hoo, little boy!
Colton with his skull mask....getting a lot of Halloween's out of this one!
 Asher's last minute future missionary costume.
That's what he said it was.....he's 13!
Hope you all had a HAPPY HALLOWEEN!


  1. Superheros don't cry Kyler! The boys are certainly creative! Looks like everyone enjoyed Halloween!

  2. Love the costumes. That is so awesome that he bought his own. So perfect. And those are gorgeous blue eyes.

  3. Batman is awesome! Your candy looks yummy. We should have trick-or-treated at your house!
