My Nativity Collection!
I finally made some time to pull them out of the garage and set them up. In case you were wondering....this isn't the bulk of my collection....
I think I counted 42 versions on this table.
I really should photograph all of them one day. I love all of them, but I'll just share a few tonight. Here are the bears - front and center. I bought this set at Bear Country in South Dakota, Summer 2008.
I found this set in a little boutique in Utah - October 2004.
This was one from my home as a little girl.
This year I've already been tempted and bought 2 new nativities. First, a glittery Holy Family...
and a clay nativity.
It always feels more like Christmas when I put up the nativities. Merry 7th Day of Christmas!
loving your days of Christmas. I am so behind. Did you get my message? Nick asked why we didn't have lights on the house, were we too poor to afford them? I can't let him think lights cost $100s like you did! The massage sounds amazing and with B. Buck's? Awesome!