Presenting Ogden's George S. Eccles Dinosaur Park! We discovered this park in 2002....10 years ago......has it really been 10 years?!? Back then, we took a 6 year-old Colton and a 3 year-old Asher. They LOVED it and have talked about it for years. This was finally the year we were going back. This time it was with a 13 year-old Asher and an 8 year-old Kyler. The best news.....they still LOVED it!
Who wouldn't love this! There are more than 100 dinosaurs to see around the park. There's also a museum next door to explore.
10 years ago, the boys posed with these, how could we not take new photos!
I wish I had this cage at home! this boy is growing!
In the last 10 years some new friends moved into the park....The Flintstone's!
Flintstones, meet the Flintstones, they're a page right out of history!
They even have a little playground. Don't you love the slide!
See Kyler in the window?
See my boys under the dino
There are a few violent scenes at the park.....these are obviously favorites of the Stock Boys!
They even have them in the water. The boys decided that this one was Nessy...our underwater ally!
I highly recommend visiting the dinosaur park! It's easy on the pocket book and lots of fun. My kids generally love the gift shop as much as the place they're visiting. This was no exception. Asher stuffed as many magnetic rocks as he could in a little bag. Kyler bought a little stuffed animal (because we have a shortage of stuffed animals?!?) a little sabertooth cat. He LOVES it, wraps him in his special blanket and sleeps with it. Tomorrow continues (and sadly finishes) our vacation adventure!
I DEFINITELY have to remember this place! :) The boys would love it.