Wednesday, August 15, 2012


We're going on almost three weeks with our new dog.  She started out an adorable little puppy in Utah.  Her name was Kota back then.
 She grew (a little bit) and then was in need of a new home.
 Thankfully, my brother brought her from Utah to Arizona for us.  These photos were taken her first day with us. (she's not a demon...just couldn't figure out how to get rid of the red eye)  She stayed very close to me, she still does.  Poor Roscoe had a hard time with her arrival.
 How cute is she?!?
We named her Coco when she first arrived.
(again....not a demon....unless you ask Roscoe)
 She made herself right at home on our bed.....of course we had to put her on the bed in the first place.  She is way too small to jump up on the bed.  (It didn't stop her from trying though)
 She has no fear of Roscoe, but Roscoe certainly fears his space!  He doesn't like the boys invading his space, he certainly wasn't going to put up with it from this new chickee!  Doesn't she look studious here?!
 We knew she'd fit in fine at the House of Steve when she was watching TV!
 Roscoe doesn't watch TV....just her!!!  They've gotten very comfortable with each in the last few weeks.  He still watches her.  He still doesn't like her invading his space, but he's calmed down. 
She's very spoiled!  Tony and the boys are so happy to have this little dog.  They hold her ALL THE TIME!!!!  I liked the name Coco, but she needed something
She's now Cocolette.
Well, actually....
Cocolette Amelie Genevieve Stock
(yes....we're that ridiculous!)