Tuesday, October 2, 2012


I can logically understand that if I don't take care of myself, then I won't be able to take care of others.  Acting on that knowledge is another thing.  Normally, if I feel that I'm going to run out of time, energy, focus, I'd rather fulfill what I can for others than to take care of me.  Recently I've made more of an effort to focus on myself and hope that this 31-day process of Reclaiming my Suburban Utopia strengthens this resolve.  Today I'm focusing on organizing my personal space.  I have mad organizing skills and loved using them as an office manager.  Then I became a stay-at-home mom.  Managing kids is a tougher job and much longer hours than managing employees!  Here are two spaces I use frequently: my desk space in my room and my space at the dinner table.    Here's my messy desk!
 Yes, those are video tapes.  We're old school over here, taping our shows and keeping it real.
 Here's my little corner at the dinner table.  I often sit here while the boys are doing homework.  It's important to stay close, keeping them (or trying to keep them) focused. I generally go through the mail, plan menus/shopping lists, listen to music and work on dinner prep.
 After a little attention, my new and improved desk!  I love how it looks and feels already.  Now the key, maintain this.  (I love this photo of my and my dad.  It was in May when my youngest was baptized and my oldest received his Eagle Scout award)
 Now for my little corner - much improved!!! 
 A closer view of the CD player and CD case in the bench.  The pencil sharpener in the window sill is used frequently.  I don't think we could go back to a manual pencil sharpener! 
 Containers and window sill cleaned and ready for the day.  You might think it's pathetic that our 2011 Advent Candle is sitting there.  I just think we're ready to jump into Day 8 of the 2012 Advent. (embarrassing)
A quick update on yesterday's candles.  
What's this you say?

 My son dipping his fingers in the wax.  This same son tried to set some trash on fire after lunch too.  Awesome.  Did I mention my kids are home for fall break?
Now it's your turn to take care of you first.  
What gets your attention first?
Click here to go to the beginning of my 

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