Tuesday, April 16, 2013


Monday night and time for Kyler to cook!  His first choice was hot dogs, then he switched it up to pasta.  The final menu was Pasta & Sauce, Homemade French Bread (we're addicted to it!) and Fresh Squeezed Lemonade.  Kyler wasn't happy that I made him stir the simple syrup for the lemonade.  He kept asking me for a chair because his legs were hurting....give me a break!  I love this photo - whenever Kyler concentrates his tongue comes out.  
 This bread is ready for the oven and Kyler gives it a thumbs up.
 It was a delicious dinner and Tony made shakes for dessert. Then Kyler was busy with homework.
 We finally sent him to bed and he'll finish tomorrow morning.  Thanks for all your work, Kyler!
 I really need some time with my camera.....maybe I'll take a class soon.  Until then, I'll have fun when I can. Tonight I just wanted to see how my new place mats would photograph.  I love them! 
Busy night tomorrow - Cub Scout Pack Meeting and Asher's First Track Meet.  (Asher's night to cook has been moved to Sundays since he's in track and isn't home until dinner.)


  1. LOVE IT! The tongue thing is hereditary! I get caught ALL the time. It's not so cute when you're 30 though.

  2. Fresh lemonade is the best! And so is homemade bread! What a feast!
