Remember when September meant back to school.....yeah, I don't either! I know some places, like in Washington, don't start school until after Labor Day. But they also have four seasons.....don't know much about that either! July 22nd was our first day of school. JULY. 22ND. The first day is always a big one, but especially this year. WE. HAVE. A. SENIOR. Here's the run down of our morning. Colton and Asher woke around 5am, got ready, and went to pack their lunches. Problem: apparently we threw out the old lunch boxes after last year and didn't remember to buy new ones! We found one of Kyler's old ones (that we threw away the next day) and then went to search for a solution. Kyler donated his lunch box to Asher and he chose to take a paper sack. Colton rejected my Rachael Ray lunch box......because it was a women's lunchbox! Finally, I grabbed a small camera case that holds a couple of my lenses and sent him on his way. (A camera case is more masculine?!? His friends loved his "unique" lunch box!) He and Asher picked up a couple of friends and headed to 6:10am seminary class. Tony said he would take Kyler to school and I left to head over to Colton and Asher's school early to help out. I was hoping to see them arrive, but they are sneaky. Asher passed by without me noticing. (that can't be easy when you're 6'2") Colton would have succeeded too, but all the seniors stayed at the front of the school to welcome all the students to a new school year. Since there are only 20 seniors, they made themselves matching shirts!
He did NOT want me to take his photo, but he also knew I wouldn't take no for an answer. Once school started I spent the day running around for new lunch boxes. Since they pack their own everyday, I wanted to invest in a proper lunch set - one where the containers were actually meant to fit in the lunch bag. This is what I found: Rubbermaid Lunch Blox.
This lunchbox fits all the containers with room to spare. That makes it easy to add an apple to the top.....or an extra treat!
What shocks me is that I actually spent the money! I do have to say, Walmart had a much better price for the sandwich kit, plus there were coupons that helped out with the kit and lunchbox. Unfortunately, they don't sell the back to Target to finish the shopping. They also sell a salad kit, which I thought we wouldn't be needed with my boys. Of course a few days into school, Colton's making lots of salads for lunch! Maybe I'll invest in one for him, the salad container is twice the size of the sandwich container. We're already in the 8th week of school and I have to admit, I'm glad I invested! They work perfectly. No more scrambling in the morning for the right size containers or ice packs. HAPPY!
Mamita treated us to dinner for our first day of school. The boys chose IHOP. They said that for every adult meal, you could get a free kids meal.
Adult Meal #1
Adult Meal #2
Adult Meal #3
Adult Meal #4
Adult Meal #5
Yep....Kyler planned on ordering 5 free meals! Our waitress was kind and allowed him two free meals. Silver Five and Grilled Cheese with fries....and he ate every bite!
The only back to school tradition we haven't done yet, the first day of school photos! Since the boys leave so early, it just hasn't happened. You would think that I could take one when they came home, but the boys are in soccer and get home around dinner time. I haven't given up on it. Maybe I could just wait until fall break!
i thought for sure kyler would get 5 meals! bummer. love the senior shirts. and that lunch box kit is awesome.