I'm so excited, I think this might be the last "catch-up" post. Here are some random photos from May. Colton has been able to have a few manual labor jobs with his friend, TJ. I love seeing my boy filthy from a hard day working outside! So good for him!!!!
Kyler received a principal award in May. We're so proud of him! He's a great student (except for handwriting!!!!) and a great friend.
Way to go, Kyler!!!
Since it didn't work to take Asher out right after his 8th grade promotion, Tony and I took just him to lunch the following Saturday. He chose his favorite, Olive Garden! Of course, he and Colton have never forgiven Olive Garden for getting rid of their CHOCOLATE LASAGNA. They're still mourning their loss. (in case you were wondering - this IS the best photo.....Asher!)
When Sonic made their shakes 1/2 price after 8pm....we had to take advantage. One night, we came across this dog who was ordering a treat too.
Doesn't he look like the happiest dog?!? And why wouldn't he be....his shake is on the way!
(Disclaimer: the dog photographed DID NOT actually place the order, nor did he partake of a 1/2 price shake. No dogs were harmed during the posting of this blog.)
Yay for Kyler and his award. Love the dog at Sonic. Oh Asher, we need to see your face sometime!