Tuesday, October 22, 2013


Have I mentioned that the House of Steve has a mascot......meet Jim. (I was really hoping for a different name, but if the house is named Steve then I think our eagle can be Jim)  We like to decorate him and normally it works out better than this.  He's wearing a superhero mask from girls camp and Krispy Kreme hat from the summer.  He looks like a weird hat wearing chicken.
 We're trying to start taking 15 minutes every night (they can take more time if they choose) to work on personal goals.  I just thought it would be a good way to help our kids see how a little bit of consistent effort can have big results.  Problem: the older boys are gone too much, but that will change after Thursday when the soccer season ends.  Kyler chose to work on drawing.  Tony tries to give him short lessons to learn technique.  That might work with another kid, but Kyler thinks he's an expert in EVERYTHING!  He doesn't really see why he should slow down and try to learn something. 
 Tony also chose drawing.  He's really happiest when he's sketching!
 I've decided to work on photography....mainly I need to read up on how to use my camera.
 I have a lot to learn, but my camera makes me happy!
With soccer.....and just life.......Asher is very tired in the afternoons.  I was a little shocked to see him under the pool table (which I think we're selling....any takers?)  How could I pass up the opportunity to capture that moment!
 And finally......why do kids have to grow up so fast!  I'm still trying to deal with the fact that Colton will be graduating in May.  These photos just make me realize how quick it's all been. 
Brianna and Colton at a Halloween Trunk or Treat &
Brianna and Colton at Mormon Prom 2013

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