Wednesday, October 16, 2013


This little piggy was ordered
This little piggy was picked up
This little piggy stayed the night in my bathtub
(he really did....wish I took a photo!)
This little piggy slept on ice and
This little piggy was roasted!
Tony was so excited for this Elders Quorum party and really....who wouldn't be!

 It was a lot of work, but everyone came together to make it work.  Alani Tufi roasted the pig!  Jayson and Shonda Hunt offered their home for the event.  They both worked so hard to make the evening special for everyone.  Shonda made all the hanging flowers, balloon towers, decorated the pillars, and placed flowers on her white lights.......and she's going to have baby #4 in a few weeks!  I felt like such a slacker...especially since she helped me with the centerpieces.  James Von Lutzow &  Jim Barnes helped with all the planning.  James also provided the punch and design for our invitation.
Finally, the decorations were all put up, tables and chairs set and the party was ready to begin.  We had such a great time and enjoyed lots of yummy food.   I will admit that it's easier to eat an animal that you didn't host in your bathtub......oh, but he was delicious!
 I love candles! 
Close ups of the table centerpieces.

  All the candlelight really added so much to the evening, especially the dozens of floating candles in the pool.  Shonda and I agreed that they looked like the floating lanterns in Tangled.  Hmmmmm.........
Maybe that should be our next activity!

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