Tuesday, April 29, 2014


I can hardly believe that this baby of mine is grown, has been accepted to BYU-Provo and is going on a mission this summer!
In February, he visited his doctor and dentist to get his mission papers ready to be turned in.
He was stressed.....anticipating a finger prick!
Testing for TB
Feeling silly since it wasn't so bad ;-)
Dr. Burke is to his left (just outside the frame) talking to him while he gets his finger pricked....he made it through that too!
At least he got a Bugs Bunny bandaid.
Once appointments were done, paperwork was filled out and interviews were done, the papers went to Salt Lake on March 30th!
Colton was so happy he decided to pose with his puppies.

Not only were they not interested....Roscoe even yawns in the last shot.
His call was in our mailbox on April 17th.  Colton and I started texting and calling everyone.  It would be opened that night at 8:30!  Lots of people showed up.
They made their way to the map to make their guess. 
Where would Colton serve?!?
Time for the man of the hour to gather everyone for the big reveal!
We had a couple of people on Skype and some on cell phones ready to hear the news.

He then took his Papa's letter opener and opened the envelope.
You can view him opening his call HERE.
Elder Stock was called to labor in the
Canada Vancouver Mission
English Speaking
He reports to the Provo MTC on August 20th
(the day after our 25th wedding anniversary)
This was the last of our guests before they moved to another location for the "after-party"!
Colton re-reading his call.
We are all so proud of you!
And we're going to miss you like

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