Thursday, April 16, 2015


Kyler is one month away from moving up from Cubs to the Boy Scouts.  It's such a big deal...especially when it's your youngest!   I love that he has a great time at his den and pack meetings.  I appreciate all the leaders that have worked so hard to provide a nice program for Kyler and the other boys.  
 I will say that I was thrilled to be done with the Pinewood Derby!!! 
This is the 9th and final car for the House of Steve!
Kyler's Stats
2013 - 2nd Place
2014 - 1st Place
2015 - 1st Place
Congratulations, Kyler!!!

1 comment:

  1. 1. I love that your house is still called Steve.
    2. Impressive pinewood derby stats!
    3. Colton's picture on the side bar is bigger than everyone else's. ;) ->
