Here's a little peak at what I've found this morning,
Toy on the baskets...
Poster on the the front room?!?
Handcuffs......Asher's favorite toy right now
Doesn't everyone have some nutella (sadly, without a spoon!) and a play handgun at their bedside....apparently I do.
And last but certainly not least.....the fish
I think it has a name.....
I remember now - Samurai.
Kyler won this fish at our Ward Trunk-or-Treat last year. I thought and still think it was a cruel joke. I was not happy about taking 4....YES, FOUR! home that evening. I refused to acknowledge them. After all they were cheap-o fish that would be dead by morning....right? Well...the first three did die off rather quickly, but not this one.....I just thought of a new name for him - I AM NUMBER 4! (I make myself laugh) Anyways, I refused to do anything for this fish. We borrowed fish food from a friend and wouldn't you know it, the fish outlived the food. I had to buy some food but refused to upgrade his home - a recycled milk jug. Kyler asks once in a while if I can get him a fish bowl, but I know that the second I do, he'll die. Every time I walk by their bathroom I can't believe that fish is still alive. This silly, feeder fish who lives in a milk jug that we fill with plain, old tap water and rarely clean it out (which is probably why you can't even find him in the photo...but he's there) has been with us for 10 months. Maybe we'll upgrade his home if he makes it to October 30th....the one year anniversary of taking him home. I'll be sure to write all about it. 
Don't worry....I'll write about the fish funeral the very next day - it's inevitable!