Monday, October 22, 2012


“Do not allow yourselves to be made to feel inadequate or frustrated because you cannot do everything others seem to be accomplishing. Only you and your Father in Heaven know your needs, strengths, and desires. Around this knowledge your personal course must be charted and your choices made.”
― Marvin. J. Ashton 

Vintage chandelier Stock Photo - 10825238
I had grand plans for this month.  I know I started out writing about the little things like a box of Kleenex or lighting scented candles.  But in my mind I had grand illusions of furniture being painted, chandeliers hung, decorations that would be fit for magazines, gorgeous table settings, and equally gorgeous food.   Here I am on Day 22 and I feel like I haven't done enough.  That I haven't really reclaimed anything.  This isn't why I challenged myself to this 31 Day Series.  I wanted to bring some of the joys that I've let go back into my life.  I didn't realize how off course my expectations had become until my Pantry Organization post.  I was so proud of the work I put into getting things organized again.  Then I thought of all the blogs that don't just organize a pantry, they decorate it.  Painting it the most popular color, stenciling, adding the perfect containers with vinyl lettering and topping it off with a chandelier.  (for a pantry, people!)  I started to wonder if I should decorate my pantry.  After a quick evaluation, I decided that I would decorate my pantry.  You know, after my whole home is consistently clean, the closets are reorganized, rooms are decorated as I would like, the trim and interior doors are painted, I've planted a garden, the garage has a good cleaning/purging, all the scrapbooks are caught up, Christmas gifts are bought/wrapped, the winter grass is in, the cars are cleaned and the never ending paperwork in my home is managed.  After making that choice, it wasn't hard to see what was right in front of me.  I see improvement.  I see joy.  I see effort.  I see more concern for me.  I see the priorities in my life were always in line, I just needed to fine tune some details....and maybe hang a chandelier.
You can start on Day 1 here or 
check out the other 31 Dayers here.


  1. You are doing awesome! A chandelier in the pantry? Really? Wowzers!

  2. I think you are doing awesome too! Real life is real life. Love the cute card, I would totally ignore dishes to craft and the fall trees are perfect!
