Thursday, August 22, 2013


We're almost done with the 5th week of school and I haven't even blogged about our summer!  Too much to catch up on, so today I'm getting back in the groove of things with our anniversary post. 
 That doesn't even seem real.  I mean, next year is our know, THE SILVER ANNIVERSARY!!!  (Old people have silver anniversaries.  People with grandchildren have silver anniversaries.  How can we be this close to our silver anniversary?!?)
   Actually, after freaking out a bit, it's pretty awesome!  (and I think we should have a huge party next year....right?)  So.....what can I say about 24 years, my marriage, our life......that's a tough one.
  This is what I've said with past anniversaries:

So what more could be said?  I'm thankful.  I'm thankful I met Tony March 4th, 1989.  I'm thankful we were engaged and chose to be married in the temple.  I'm thankful that we were married in the Mesa AZ Temple for time and all eternity.  I'm thankful we have eternity to keep working on our marriage.  I'm thankful we still laugh together.  I'm thankful we love spending time with one another. 
I'm thankful we had a Colton.
 I'm thankful we had an Asher.
I'm thankful we had a Kyler.
 I'm thankful they have each other.
 I'm thankful that we are a forever family.  I'm thankful that Tony honors his priesthood.  I'm thankful that Colton and Asher follow in their father's footsteps and are worthy priesthood holders too.  I'm thankful for family vacations.
 Even though we face a huge challenge next year......COLTON LEAVING OUR HOME.....I'm thankful we have this year together.  I'm thankful that we all lean on each other.  I'm thankful that at the center of this family is our marriage.
Thank you, Tony!
(now starting saving your $$$$, next year's going to be BIG!)

1 comment:

  1. Welcome back! and Happy Anniversary! The years just keep flying by. Nuts I tell you, just nuts! Congratulations on two dozen fabulous years!
