The other day Kyler had a complete melt down. It was over the fact that he felt he had to do TOO MUCH WORK and he felt his friends NEVER had to work. My spoiled little boy was very put out! We came home and he had to clean his room which completely proved his point in his head. A couple of days later I decided to clean the boys rooms as a surprise......and maybe a part of me didn't want to feel like the worst mom ever (even though I wear the title proudly 99.9% of the time) As I was serving my kids (AGAIN) picking up laundry, toys, trash, clean clothes.....I came across Asher's white board. Monday through Friday "chores" was listed. Sunday was the day of rest and Saturday.....JAIL! Really!?! Since he's never been grounded, what could he mean by JAIL.
I didn't ask.
I don't think I want to know.
I think I would again come out being the meanest mom ever again and I don't want to risk feeling anymore guilt. So I took a photo, cleaned the board and finished the room. By the way, all three boys were SHOCKED to see their rooms all clean and they even showed gratitude. HAPPY, HAPPY DAY!